Research Projects

Enzyme Kinetics

Project description

Energy Transfer

Project description

Past projects

Hydrogen Bonding Studies Using FTIR Spectroscopy

Project description

Identification of Vegetable Oils using FTIR Spectroscopy

Project description

Analysis of Atmospheric Gases by FTIR Spectroscopy

Project description

Spectroelectrochemistry of Dehaloperoxidase

Project description

Extraction and analysis of anthocyanins from foods

Project description

Polyacrylonitrile spectroscopy, stability and phase transitions

Project description

Project information

Sodium alginate composition, properties and molecular weight

Project description

Assessing Swine Sludge Bioactivity and Mineral Composition by strata

Project description

Project information

Assessing influence of enzymatic and bacteria consortia on anaerobic digestion of swine manure

Project description