Thermodynamics and Kinetics

General Information


Lecture 1

Ideal gas law

Lecture 2

First law of thermodynamics

Lecture 3


Lecture 4


Lecture 5

The third law

Lecture 6

Free energy functions

Lecture 7

Maxwell Relations

Lecture 8

Free energy applications

Lecture 9

Phase diagrams

Lecture 10

Ideal solutions. Raoult's law.

Lecture 11

Non-ideal solutions. Henry's Law. Activity.

Lecture 12

Colligative properties.

Lecture 13

Statistical Mechanics. Partition functions.

Lecture 14

Statistical Thermodynamics. The equilibrium constant.

Lecture 15

Chemistry of Surfaces.

Lecture 16

Transport properties.

Lecture 17

Colloid Chemistry.

Lecture 18

Dielectric properties of matter.

Lecture 19

Introduction to Kinetics. First order kinetics

Lecture 20

Transition State Theory

Lecture 21

Second order kinetics. Michaelis Menten model.

Lecture 22

Biological Applications: Photosynthesis

Lecture 23

Biological Applications: Heme proteins

Lecture 24

Geochemical Applications: Carbon dioxide equilibria