Derivation of the kinetic equation for CO recombination to deoxy Mb


One can assume that the photolyzed product Mb:CO is present initially as shown in the figure (His-FeP:CO or Mb:CO).  There are two pathways shown with rate constants kgem and kesc. gives rise to the following rate scheme.





These equations cannot be solved exactly.  However, we can solve the equation for the geminate state, Mb:CO, which is immediately produced by photolysis.  The result is,



Since the rate constants kgem and kesc >> kbi, we can approximately the rate of formation of MbCO and the deoxy Mb states as 





Which leads to,






According to the myoglobin rate scheme there is a quantum yield for both geminate recombination and escape.  These are,


Finally, we can determine the rate of depletion of the deoxy state (i.e. bimolecular recombination) from a separate equation,



Solution of the rate equations Combining these equations leads to the overall time course



where the prime indicates that this is a pseudo-first-order rate constant, .  The pseudo-first order rate constant has the appearance of a first order process at a fixed concentration of CO. Figure 1 shows how the rate differs as the CO concentration is varied by a factor of 10.


T19 MbCO Recombination Kinetics.bmp

Figure 1 MbCO recombination kinetics showing the difference between the geminate and bimolecular phases. The bimolecular phase is pseudo-first order.